

Page history last edited by eLearning 13 years, 9 months ago

IMPACT: Teaching and Learning for the 21st Century

South Carolina K-12 Information Literacy and Technology Integration Guide

Information-Media-Technology Literacy Resources for SC Educators



"From the community to schools to colleges and on to the workplace, people are expected to be able to access, use, understand, and apply information. The shared aim is to develop people who are ready to enter the workforce as competent, ethical, and productive users of information and technology." (Grassian, Esther S. and Joan R. Kaplowitz. Information Literacy Instruction: Theory and Practice. New York, NY: Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc. 2001.)

General Information

Follows planning from an isolated event to full curriculum design partnership between classroom teachers and library media specialists

Highlights the instructional/collaborative responsibilities of all educators (e.g., principal, curriculum coordinator, classroom teacher, and library media specialist 

National Standards


Standards for the 21st Century Learner


SLMAM Skills Correlations - New (2007) to Old (1998): AASL Information Literacy Standards (an article in School Library Media Activities Monthly, February 2008.)


National Education Technology Standards for Students (NETS-Students)



Scaffolding Student Learning for Information Literacy and Technology Education

SC K-12 ICT Scope and Sequence This scope and sequence uses the information, media, and technology skills as outlined in the AASL information literacy standards, Standards for the 21st Century Learner, the technology standards from ISTE, NETS-Students and the South Carolina Internet Safety Standards. The committee writing this scope and sequence built student learning from kindergarten through twelfth grade to identify where information, media, and technology skills should be introduced (I), reinforced (R), and mastered (IU - independent use).


The Simple Four (a problem-solving research model)


NCTE Framework for 21st Century Curriculum & Assessment


Partnership for 21st Century Skills:  

          21st Century Skills and English Map(pgs 8-11: media, info and ICT literacy)

ICT ELA MapICT Social Studies Map (pages 8-12)

          ICT SCIENCE Map (page 8) ;  ICT GEOGRAPHY Map (page 6)

          Information Literacy;  Media Literacy


The 3Rs and the 4Cs: a PowerPoint presentation on infusing academic content with 21st century skills (collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking).


Parents say Schools Should Focus More on 21st Century Skills


The Power of Pow! Wham! Children, Digital Media and our Nation's Future: Three Challenges for the Coming Decade

 South Carolina Academic Standards

(Links to only two of the content standards are included here. As other content standards go through the review/revision process and address 21st Century learning and Bloom's Taxonomy for Teaching, Learning, and Assessing, additional links will be added.)


Social Studies


English/Language Arts (ELA)

SCDE Nonprint Sources Support Document

Alignment of ELA Standards and Information-Media-Technology Literacy Skills

Connecting Information and Media Literacy Skills to the Curriculum




            The PowerPoint presentation used in the EdTech 2010 session by the same name presented by Patti Fowler, SC Attorney General's Office, and   
           SC Department of Education. 

Copyright Resources


Conference Presentations and Workshops



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