IMPACT: Teaching and Learning for the 21st Century
South Carolina K-12 Information Literacy and Technology Integration Guide
Information-Media-Technology Literacy Resources for SC Educators
"From the community to schools to colleges and on to the workplace, people are expected to be able to access, use, understand, and apply information. The shared aim is to develop people who are ready to enter the workforce as competent, ethical, and productive users of information and technology." (Grassian, Esther S. and Joan R. Kaplowitz. Information Literacy Instruction: Theory and Practice. New York, NY: Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc. 2001.)
General Information
A lesson plan template to facilitate collaborative planning between the classroom teacher(s) and the library media specialist(s).
Follows planning from an isolated event to full curriculum design partnership between classroom teachers and library media specialists
Highlights the instructional/collaborative responsibilities of all educators (e.g., principal, curriculum coordinator, classroom teacher, and library media specialist
National Standards
Standards for the 21st Century Learner
SLMAM Skills Correlations - New (2007) to Old (1998): AASL Information Literacy Standards (an article in School Library Media Activities Monthly, February 2008.)
National Education Technology Standards for Students (NETS-Students)
Scaffolding Student Learning for Information Literacy and Technology Education
SC K-12 ICT Scope and Sequence This scope and sequence uses the information, media, and technology skills as outlined in the AASL information literacy standards, Standards for the 21st Century Learner, the technology standards from ISTE, NETS-Students and the South Carolina Internet Safety Standards. The committee writing this scope and sequence built student learning from kindergarten through twelfth grade to identify where information, media, and technology skills should be introduced (I), reinforced (R), and mastered (IU - independent use).
ICT SCIENCE Map (page 8) ; ICT GEOGRAPHY Map (page 6)
Information Literacy; Media Literacy
The 3Rs and the 4Cs: a PowerPoint presentation on infusing academic content with 21st century skills (collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking).
The Power of Pow! Wham! Children, Digital Media and our Nation's Future: Three Challenges for the Coming Decade
South Carolina Academic Standards
(Links to only two of the content standards are included here. As other content standards go through the review/revision process and address 21st Century learning and Bloom's Taxonomy for Teaching, Learning, and Assessing, additional links will be added.)
Social Studies
English/Language Arts (ELA)
SCDE Nonprint Sources Support Document
Alignment of ELA Standards and Information-Media-Technology Literacy Skills
Connecting Information and Media Literacy Skills to the Curriculum
- 100 Inspiring Ways to Use Social Media in the Classroom
- Annenberg Media: Teacher resources and professional development in all grades and all curricular areas
- Assessing the Instructional Integration of Information Literacy and Technology Skills into the Curriculum
- A Vision for Learning: Digital Photography and iPhoto Projects for Kids
- Biographies Online
- Bloom's Digital Taxonomy: This wiki, created by a K-12 educator, takes the revised Bloom's Taxonomy and makes it viable for teaching 21st century skills. Check out Visual Bloom's, a chart giving examples of Web 2.0 tools at each level of the revised Bloom's Taxonomy.
- Career Clusters (States' Career Clusters Initiative (SCCI)
- Careers of the Future
- Click-N-Type virtual keyboard: "an on-screen virtual keyboard designed for anyone with a disability that prevents him or her from typing on a physical computer keyboard. As long as the physically challenged person can control a mouse, trackball, touch screen or other pointing device, this software keyboard allows you to send keystrokes to virtually any Windows application or DOS application that can run within a window." You can also download a speech package that will give either typing sounds or will say the name of the keys to provide feedback to the visually impaired letting them know if they have typed the correct key.
- Country Studies
- Create Your Own Comic Strip
- Discovery Education: Find teacher resources, including lesson plans, and home resources where students can find extra help online.
- Eduweb: digital learning games and "interactives" in art, history, science, and technology.
- Evaluating Websites (Classroom Criteria)
- Glogs, Virtual Online Posters: is a FREE website where students and teachers can create online posters. These online posters can have pictures, hyperlinks, sounds, videos. Glogster provides a master account for the teacher and integrated accounts for the students. All education accounts are private.
- InSafe: Media literacy instruction tips, media literacy quiz, and a downloadable lesson plan.
- The Invisible Web Search Engine:
- K-12 Podcasts: This link takes you to this wiki with a listing of podcasts and other resources for using podcasts in the classroom.
- Making Curriculum Pop : A resource-sharing community for educators interested in better practices and teaching with pop culture.
- Multimedia for Information Literacy Wiki: This wiki includes links to videos, blogs, online tutorials, and other resources freely available on the Web that you can use as part of your information literacy instruction.
- North Carolina School Library Media Programs
- Pinakes Subject Launchpad
- The Simple Four, Information Literacy, and the Core Curriculum
- Stately Knowledge (Internet Public Library)
- Teaching Media Literacy: This page includes links to resources for teaching critical evaluation of information, videos on teaching information and media literacy, free curriculum, lesson plans, and the Media Literacy Clearinghouse.
- Videos related to teaching media literacy
- Free curriculum
- Lesson Plans
- Teaching Critical Evaluation of Information
- Ten Things Teachers Should Know to Get Started with Twitter
The PowerPoint presentation used in the EdTech 2010 session by the same name presented by Patti Fowler, SC Attorney General's Office, and
SC Department of Education.
Copyright Resources
Conference Presentations and Workshops
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